Travel Journal

Moving our Blogs to YouTube

Check our YouTube channel for ur latest travel adventures!

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How the rising Cost of Living has impacted our travel costs?

We compare 6 months travel expenses from 2021 to 6 months from 2022. You will be surprised at the changes!

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Stats from 3 years of Full Time Travel

A full run down of costs and stats now that we have been on the road for 3 years!

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Full Time Travel is Not Always Sunshine & Rainbows

After 3 years on the road our worlds have been turned upside down.

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100 Thousand Km’s Traveling Australia

Check out some of our highs and lows from traveling Australia for 100 000km’s!

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2 Years Traveling Australia – An Update

We update you with how our travel is going after 2 years on the road, both emotionally and financially.

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