Monthly Expenses -July 2021
Total: $1027.66
with a weekly average of $232.05
and an overall weekly average of $537.34.
* Read comments below explaining this unusual month.
KM Travelled: No travel km’s
Litres / 100Km: N/A
Fuel Total: $109.65
Eating Out
Eating out: $0.00
Quick lunches: $28.40
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $51.20
Eating Out Total: $79.60
Groceries: $668.10
Wine & Alcohol: $25.00
Groceries Total: $693.10
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00
31x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: N/A
0x Nights
Campground over $20: N/A
0x Nights
Accomodation Total:
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $0.00
Souvineers & gifts: $0.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $0.00
Hardware & Camping supplies: $0.00
Car & Van maintenance: $0.00
Gas bottle refills: $0.00
Website Fees: $120.00
Miscellaneous: $25.00
Other Total: $145.00
July was not a usual month. We were stationary for the whole month of July while our son was in hospital.
We stayed with family, so no accomodation costs. We used a family car and paid for fuel, but did not accumulate travel KM’s. As a long term patient we were entitled to free parking. We took a packed lunch to the hospital every day, so our eating out category was just a coffee every now and then. We tracked our grocery costs as usual.
Overall, July was an extremely low month, but we really needed to be with our very sick son. It looks like next month will be similar.
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