Monthly Expenses – December 2020
Total: $2484.93
Equates to $561.11 per week.
Overall Post Covid weekly average $548.02
KM Travelled: 2720km
Litres / 100Km: 13.05 l/100
Eating Out
Eating out: $123.50.
Quick lunches: $49.40.
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $0.00
Groceries: $815.11.
Wine & Alcohol: $168.45.
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00
4x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $15.00
1x Nights
Campgrounds over $20: $556.40
26x Nights
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $0.00.
Souvineers & gifts: $82.50.
Hardware & Camping supplies: $134.83.
Car & Van maintenance: $0.00.
Gas bottle refills: $21.50.
Miscellaneous: $0.00.
We were working until Christmas, so staying in a caravan park with minimal extra expenses. We finished up working in time to travel home for Christmas.
We spent a few days with family before our camping trip with friends. Although we camp unpowered, prices at peak time are still above our $20 per night ideal target. Alcohol expenditure included Christmas & New Year period, and Fuel costs include travel home from our work location.
Nothing is out of the ordinary this month, and expenses are as expected.
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