Monthly Expenses – December 2019
Total: $2711.57 = $612.29 per week,
with an overall weekly average of $851.85
KM Travelled: 1665km
Litres / 100Km: 14.98 L/100km
Fuel Total: $476.86
Eating Out
Eating out: $236.90
Quick lunches: $17.00
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $53.50
Eating Out Total: $307.40
Groceries: $880.14
Wine & Alcohol: $235.91
Groceries Total: $1116.05
Free Camps and Donation: 20x nights – $0.00
Low-Cost Campsites: 8x nights – $150.00
Campgrounds over $20: 3x nights – $75.00
Accomodation Total: $225.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $115.00
Souvineers & gifts: $180.46
Tours & Attractions Total: $295.46
Hardware & Camping supplies: $196.94
Gas bottle refills: $39.90
Miscellaneous: $69.95
Other Total: $306.79
December expenses are much lower than our typical monthly expenses. The same happened last December. We spend a few weeks staying with family and we drive much less k’s than usual. This means less spent on fuel and little to no tourist activities. We still track our other travel expenses including all groceries and meals out with family and friends.
Our weekly average of $612.29 For December decreased our overall weekly average slightly but because we have been on the road for 15 months, our overall average is still up around $850. The $2000 Tour of Horizontal Falls back in June keeps this average up but we would not change it, Horizontal Falls was worth every cent.
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