Monthly Expenses – November 2019
Total: $3884.93
Equates to $906.48 per week. Overall Weekly Average $869.57
KM Travelled: 2842km
Litres / 100Km: 16.34 L per 100km
Fuel Total: $771.19
Eating Out
Eating out: $207.99
Quick lunches: $134.00
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $73.75
Eating Out Total: $415.74
Groceries: $758.29
Wine & Alcohol: $184.00
Groceries Total: $942.29
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00
6x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $116.00
11x Nights
Campgrounds over $20: $392.00
13x Nights
Accomodation Total: $508.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $449.50
Souvineers & gifts: $51.35
Tours & Attractions Total: $500.85
Hardware & Camping supplies: $37.55
Car & Van maintenance: $691.95
Gas bottle refills: $17.30
Miscellaneous: $0.00
Other Total: $746.80
November gave a weekly spend much higher than we would like. We needed to purchase new tyres for the caravan early this month which was a costly, but necessary expense. Our caravan water pump also broke, needing replacement. These two maintenance costs contributed to our “weekly budget blow out”
We tried really hard to keep other costs low to counteract. This proved difficult, with eating out for a birthday, and the Outback Queensland heat. We stayed in powered sites much more than we would usually. Our preferred camping style of low cost or free camps returned in the second half of the month when we reached the Coast with cooler temps.
Overall, if we exclude our van maintenance costs, we would have been way below our overall weekly average, so we are happy that our very conscious effort to keep other costs low paid off.
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