Monthly Expenses – January 2020

Total: $2811.70

with a weekly average of $634.90 and an overall weekly average over 16 months of $837.87


KM Travelled: 4424km 

Litres / 100Km: 17.05 L/100km 

Fuel Total: $1206.09 

Eating Out

Eating out: $174.80

Quick lunches: $79.75

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $11.00

Eating Out Total: $265.55


Groceries: $683.81 

Wine & Alcohol: $126.05

Groceries Total: $809.86


Free Camps and Donation: $10.00
21x  Nights 

Low-Cost Campsites: $80.00
7x Nights

Caravan Parks: $100.00
3x Nights 

Accomodation Total: $190.00

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $36.00

Souvineers & gifts: $27.39

Tours & Attractions Total: $63.39


Hardware & Camping supplies: $169.27

Car & Van maintenance: $4.00

Gas bottle refills: $47.95 

Miscellaneous: $55.40

Other Total: $276.62


Lots of driving days in January, so lots of fuel. We spent Christmas at home with family, so we were not interested in tourist activities or stopping too long in places within a few hundred kilometres from home that we had seen before. We were on a mission to travel straight to South Australia, traveling faster than usual. We had hoped to cross the Nullarbor into WA by now, but maintenance kept us grounded a little longer than planned. Thankfully we were not out of pocket for warranty repairs to our vehicle in Port Lincoln. Basically, this month has been a travel month, not a tourist month. Lower expenses reflect this. This has been good to slightly lower our weekly average, but it only reduces our overall weekly average minimally.