Monthly Expenses – January 2021

Total: $1213.81

with a weekly average of $283.22. 
Overall weekly average of $508.33


KM Travelled: 546km

Litres / 100Km: 10.08 L/100

Fuel Total: $136.80

Eating Out

Eating out: $176.20

Quick lunches: $0.00

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $0.00

Eating Out Total: $176.20


Groceries: $549.88

Wine & Alcohol: $115.80

Groceries Total: $665.68


Free Camps and Donation: $0.00

29x Nights with Family

Low-Cost Campsites: NA

0x nights

Campground over $20: $42.80

2x Nights

Accomodation Total: $42.80

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $0.00

Souvineers & gifts: $0.00

Tours & Attractions Total: $0.00


Hardware & Camping supplies: $46.95

Car & Van maintenance: $0.00

Gas bottle refills: $0.00

Miscellaneous: $145.00

Other Total: $191.95


January was a month with extremely low expenses. Vicki was working all month, and we stayed for free with family. Our only real costs were groceries and a small amount of fuel. We did no tourist activities, and we only ate out twice. This month will help to reduce our overall weekly average quite significantly.