Monthly Expenses – June 2021
Total: $3247.18
equates to $757.67 per week
with an overall weekly average of $563.34
KM Travelled: 2517km
Litres / 100Km: 15.78L/100km
Fuel Total: $713.13
Eating Out
Eating out: $163.00
Quick lunches: $114.45
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $39.30
Eating Out Total: $316.75
Groceries: $431.14
Wine & Alcohol: $22.00
Groceries Total: $453.14
Free Camps and Donation: $2.00
15x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $27.00
3x Nights
Campgrounds over $20: $468.00
12x Nights
Accomodation Total: $497.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $114.00
Souvineers & gifts: $133.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $247.00
Hardware & Camping supplies: $25.22
Car & Van maintenance: $26.00
Gas bottle refills: $65.00
Ferry & Airfares: $903.79
Other Total: $1020.01
This month was spent in Cape York. Because of the remote location we had a full fridge and pantry before we left, so didn’t need to buy as many groceries this month.
Accomodation costs are higher than usual. Even unpowered sites are usually over $20 in Cape York (our preferred price range) but we are very happy to pay the higher prices in such a remote area.
We needed a gas bottle refill at Bamaga and paid $65.00. This is our highest ever price paid for gas, but with camping unpowered and a 3 way fridge, we had no choice.
We had an unexpected cost this month when our son became critically ill and was admitted to Intensive Care. We flew home from Cairns to be with him and have left our car and caravan up North. We are staying with family while we visit him daily. Our overall weekly cost is higher than usual because of this.
How very stressful for you and your family. I hope your son is improving and covid restrictions are not hampering your visits etc.. I check in on your website regularly and appreciate your budget and blogs. I retired last week and we are looking forward to getting out there in the coming months. Best wishes again for your son.