Monthly Expenses – November 2020
Total: $2483.30
Equating to $579.43 per week.
An overall post Covid average of $545.35.
KM Travelled: 1180Km
Litres / 100Km: 11.49
Fuel Total: $239.19
Eating Out
Eating out: $322.00
Quick lunches: $0.00
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $19.00
Eating Out Total: $341.00
Groceries: $843.11
Wine & Alcohol: $59.00
Groceries Total: $902.11
Free Camps and Donation:
0 x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites:
0 x Nights
Campground over $20:
30 x Nights
Accomodation Total: $642.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $10.00
Souvineers & gifts: $300.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $310.0
Hardware & Camping supplies: $0.00
Car & Van maintenance: $0.00
Gas bottle refills: $0.00
National Park entry fees: $0.00
Miscellaneous: $49.00
Other Total: $49.00
The month of November has been stationary in a caravan park while we are working. This is the first month that has been 100% work, so no free or low cost camping.
We have spent a fair bit on meals out this month. A few pub lunches on days off work and a celebratory meal for our 30th wedding anniversary.
You might recall we stayed at a fancy bed & breakfast to celebrate our anniversary. The cost for accommodation has been included in our “souvineers & gifts” category because the night away was a gift to each other. We also needed to pay for our caravans site for the night we were away, so we have included that night as a regular overnight stay at a caravan park.
Our fuel costs were minimal this month. We did not tow at all. Our trip to work has been one hour return each day,
Overall, our costs are what we expected for a whole month in a caravan park with very little tourist activity.
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