Monthly Expenses – August 2020
Total: $2038.43 which equates to $460.29 per week.
KM Travelled: 1908km
Litres / 100Km: 15.68
Fuel Total: $436.29
Eating Out
Eating out: $297.50
Quick lunches: $56.60
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $25.90
Eating Out Total: $380.00
Groceries: $642.14
Wine & Alcohol: $99.80
Groceries Total: $741.94
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00 . 31xNights
Low-Cost Campsites: Nil
Campgrounds over $20: Nil
Accomodation Total: $0.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $135.00
Souvineers & gifts: $182.20
Tours & Attractions Total: $317.20
Hardware & Camping supplies: $11.50
Car & Van maintenance: $34.00
Gas bottle refills: $71.95
Miscellaneous: $45.24
Other Total: $162.69
The month of August was spent going even more slowly than we did in July and this is the first month (in our whole 2 years) where we have free camped every night of the month! Zero spent on accomodation. We have been restricted to NSW travel for the last few months because of Covid. We are at the point where we have no desire to travel anywhere else in NSW, for now at least. This meant staying a few weeks in one location, something we have never done before. While staying still we ate out more but our total expenses stayed low.
Traveling this way is ideal if you want to keep your costs down.
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