Monthly Expenses – September 2020

Total: $2386.10 equates to $556.75 per week.


KM Travelled: 3766km
Litres / 100Km: 17.97

Fuel Total: $856.60

Eating Out

Eating out: $282.30
Quick lunches: $61.50
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $44.20

Eating Out Total: $388.00


Groceries: $611.50

Wine & Alcohol: $102.88

Groceries Total: $714.38


Free Camps and Donation: $10.00. 22xNights 

Low-Cost Campsites $46.00. 4xNights

Campgrounds over $20: $105.80. 4xnights

Accomodation Total: $161.80

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $46.00

Souvineers & gifts: $20.00

Tours & Attractions Total: $66.00


Hardware & Camping supplies: $126.50

Car & Van maintenance: $50.60

Gas bottle refills: $22.00

Other Total: $154.10


During September we traveled more around the state again. We drove home for a few days to visit family (a round trip of around 2000km) so more fuel usage this month.
We have secured some work starting October 1, so we arrived at a caravan park yesterday for the duration of our work commitment. Our expenses this month are still lower than pre Covid, and it is not a surprise as we are not being tourists like we used to be. We are eating out more than our pre Covid travels so it is nice for our costs to be low even while enjoying the luxury of eating out occasionally.