Monthly Expenses – April 2019

Total: $2995.12
Equates to $698.96 per week with an overall weekly average of $727.64


KM Travelled: 2760Km

Litres / 100Km: 19.32 L/100km

Fuel Total: $981.85

Eating Out

Eating out: $106.00

Quick lunches: $30.50

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $22.90

Eating Out Total: $159.40


Groceries: $686.41

Wine & Alcohol: $324.96

Groceries Total: $1011.37


Free Camps and Donation: NIL
27 nights

Low-Cost Campsites
0 nights

Caravan Parks: $110.00
3 nights

Accomodation Total: $110.00

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $60.00

Souvineers & Gifts: $69.95

Tours & Attractions Total: $129.95


Hardware & Camping supplies: $96.26

Car & Van maintenance: $394.00

Gas bottle refills: $29.00

Miscellaneous: $71.15
Ferries & Tolls: $11.87

Other Total: $538.28


We were paused on our travels for the first part of this month. Our new tow vehicle was not quite ready for travel yet and we also had some health issues that kept us grounded for the short term. Our expenses still include all food, fuel and regular expenses while we were not moving.
Our expenses for the later part of the month are larger than usual. We did some huge drive days to get to The Outback quickly. We have travelled those roads many times, so long drive days, combined with outback fuel costs, meant fuel was our biggest expense. We also stocked up on alcohol before we left, knowing the daily limits on purchasing alcohol in the outback are difficult to manage with extended off road outback travel.
Given that we had minimal expenses early in the month and large fuel costs later in the month, everything evened out nicely to keep us below budget yet again for April.