Monthly Expenses – January 2019

Total: $3728.81

Equates to $841.98 per week
Average of $711.77 per week overall.


KM Travelled: 2818km

Litres / 100Km: 14.75L/100km

Fuel Total: $655.29

Eating Out

Eating out: $235.00

Quick lunches: $105.70

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $56.05

Eating Out Total: $396.75


Groceries: $692.86

Wine & Alcohol: $96.50

Groceries Total: $789.36


Free Camps and Donation: 23 Nights – NC

Low-Cost Campsites: 6 Nights – $70.00

Caravan Parks: 1 Night: $31.50
Spirit of Tasmania Cabin: 1 Night – included in ferry cost

Accomodation Total: $101.50

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $200.95

Souvineers & gifts: $183.20

Tours & Attractions Total: $384.15


Spirit of Tasmania: $1130.35
Hardware & Camping supplies: $129.40

Car & Van maintenance: $11.00

Gas bottle refills: $39.94

National Park entry fees: $60.00

Miscellaneous: $30.84

Other Total: $1272.13


Januarys weekly average is higher than usual. This was expected because we have included the cost to travel to Tasmania on the Spirit with our car and caravan. We are actually pleasantly surprised with our expenses this month. The ferry cost was over $1000, if this expense was not included our weekly total would be as low as $586! Free camping opportunities are plentiful in Tasmania, which has helped because the variety of fresh produce is so tempting that expenses could easily skyrocket!
We are extremely happy with this months expenditure.