Monthly Expenses – May 2021
Total: $2858.05
equates to $645.36 with an overall weekly average of $545.89
KM Travelled: 3034km
Litres / 100Km: 17.41L/100km
Fuel Total: $728.64
Eating Out
Eating out: $176.50
Quick lunches: $94.50
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $42.20
Eating Out Total: $313.20
Groceries: $691.84
Wine & Alcohol: $164.86
Groceries Total: $856.70
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00
20x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $60.00
5x Nights
Campgrounds over $20: $233.60
6x Nights
Accomodation Total: $293.60
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $55.00
Souvineers & gifts: $24.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $79.00
Hardware & Camping supplies: $327.87
Car & Van maintenance: $110.99
Gas bottle refills: $39.90
Car Parking fees: $24.00
Miscellaneous: $83.95
Other Total: $586.71
This month we had a lot of hardware and maintenance expenses, including a new BBQ plate, and some car parts & accessories in preparation for Cape York in June.
We spent time with family early in May, but all expenses are still included. We travelled over 3000km this month. Fuel cost was up, and unfortunately, also fuel economy due to highway speeds. Thankfully Free Camping has counteracted the cost.
Overall, no surprises in May.
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