Monthly Expenses – April 2021
Total: $2701.56
equates to $630.36 per week,
and an overall weekly average of $535.71
KM Travelled: 2552km
Litres / 100Km: 16.17 L/100km
Fuel Total: $659.97
Eating Out
Eating out: $153.00
Quick lunches: $107.20
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $54.25
Eating Out Total: $314.45
Groceries: $643.57
Wine & Alcohol: $55.99
Groceries Total: $699.56
Free Camps and Donation: $8.00
26x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $75.00
4x Nights
Campgrounds over $20: $0.00
0x Nights
Accomodation Total: $83.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $80.00
Souvineers & gifts: $0.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $80.00
Hardware & Camping supplies: $207.98
Car & Van maintenance: $537.00
Gas bottle refills: $44.85
Miscellaneous: $74.49
Other Total: $864.32
The whole month was spent in Victoria. Victoria has so many free or low cost campgrounds available within a relatively close proximity. Most of the month we spent free camping and just a few nights in low cost campgrounds. Accomodation costs were low this month.
Our van maintenance expenses include new caravan tyres, and Glenns camp chair broke this month, so our camping/hardware expenses are higher than usual.
We are very happy that our average expenses have not increased this month, even though we spent over $500 on tyres!
It has been a good month.
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