Monthly Expenses – November 18

Total: $3282.91

This monthly total equates to $766.01 per week.
Giving an overall weekly average of $755.11.


KM Travelled: 3094km
Fuel Cost: $823.54
Litres / 100Km: 14.78L per 100km
Fuel Total: $823.54

Eating Out

Eating out: $188.40
Quick lunches including bakery pies: $103.70
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $58.10

Eating Out Total: $359.20


Groceries: $798.12
Wine & Alcohol: $155.00

Groceries Total: $953.12


Free Camps and Donation: $0.
# of Nights: 10
Low-Cost Campsites: $178.00
# of Nights: 16
Caravan Parks: $131.00
# of Nights: 4
National Parks: 0
# of Nights: 0

Accommodation Total: $309

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $634.00
Souvineers & gifts: $104.50

Tours & Attractions Total: $738.50


Hardware & Camping supplies: $49.50
Car & Van maintenance: $9.45
Gas bottle refills: $49.50
Miscellaneous: $0

Other Total: $108.45


We were surprised that our weekly fuel total had reduced significantly since last month. Fuel prices are lower atm, but we have also had more days between refills staying longer in one place. Groceries total increased and was another surprise, but we do have a well stocked pantry and have been buying local produce rather than cheap supermarket brands. Tours were also up this month, but staying longer in places meant we were keen to see what the area has to offer. Lots of free and low cost camping helped with keeping us on budget. Even though groceries and tours increased this month, the overall cost is similar. We are happy with our spendings and don’t have a need to consider cutting back on anything just yet.