Monthly Expenses – October 2019

Total: $3910.33

Giving a weekly cost of $882.97     Overall weekly average of $866.73


KM Travelled: 3708km

Litres / 100Km: 15.11 L/100km

Fuel Total: $983.82

Eating Out

Eating out: $251.00

Quick lunches: $120.65

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $59.90

Eating Out Total: $431.55


Groceries: $968.08

Wine & Alcohol: $231.97

Groceries Total: $1200.05


Free Camps and Donation: $10
10 x Nights 

Low-Cost Campsites: $145.00
11 x Nights

Campsites over $20: $333.00
10 x Nights

Accomodation Total: $488.00

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $438.50

Souvineers & gifts: $67.77

Tours & Attractions Total: $506.27


Hardware & Camping supplies: $164.94

Gas bottle refills: $65.00

Miscellaneous: $70.50

Other Total: $300.44


We didn’t expect this month to be quite so high. Overall, we are still on budget, but we had no costly expenses this month like previous months with flights home, expensive tours etc.

Our grocery cost was high this month, we put that down to shopping in small remote towns. We have been in North West Queensland this month and by mid October temperatures regularly surpassed 40 degrees. We have still been mostly free or low cost camping, but we also splurged a few nights with powered sites to run the air-con.

Although the monthly total is higher than expected, our weekly average over the whole year is exactly where we like it, around $850.