Monthly Expenses – October 2020
Total: $2489.63
equals $562.17 per week with a Post Covid weekly average of $536.96
KM Travelled: 2074km
Litres / 100Km: 16.2
Fuel Total: $463.16
Eating Out
Eating out: $242.00
Quick lunches: $87.40
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $46.20
Eating Out Total: $375.60
Groceries: $752.26
Wine & Alcohol: $164.00
Groceries Total: $916.26
Free Camps and Donation: $0.00
11x Nights
Low-Cost Campsites: $54.00
4x Nights
Campground over $20: $371.00
16x Nights
Accomodation Total: $425.00
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $75.00
Souvineers & gifts: $43.00
Tours & Attractions Total: $118.00
Hardware & Camping supplies: $62.00
Car & Van maintenance: $67.00
Gas bottle refills: $22.00
National Park entry fees: $18.00
Miscellaneous: $22.00
Other Total: $191.00
We were expecting to be working this month, so initially set up in a caravan park. The work is seasonal and did not start when planned so we continued traveling around as we usually do, we returned to the caravan park late in October with work expected to start early November.
Our costs this month are not as low as expected. Work was expected to slow spending down. We continued travel when we found out work was delayed. Our costs this month reflect unnecessary caravan park fees when we were not working and extra fuel used while touring.
In saying that, we are very happy with our weekly average within the $500 range, it is much lower than we are used to pre Covid.
A run down of pre Covid expenses can be found here.
I’m following your monthly expenses as I am a single age pensioner and I plan to set off after xmas on a 12 month journey around the country. Could spend longer but that’s no problem, my time is my own, not going to hurry.
Expenses can easily be lower than ours if you don’t do many kilometres. We also have been eating out more than usual lately, you could cut costs there. Good luck with your planning and enjoy your adventure!
Thirteen months until retirement. We find your blogs and budget very helpful with our dreaming and planning. Love your honesty with eating out, quick lunches etc as that will be very similar to ours. In fact your whole budgets seems to mirror mine. Thanks for sharing and wishing you well in your seasonal jobs.
Thanks Maureen. Glad to be of help and good luck with your planning. 2022 will be here before you know it!