Monthly Expenses – September 2019
Total: $3566.63
Giving a weekly average of $832.21
Overall weekly average of $865.32
KM Travelled: 1878km
Litres / 100Km: 15.44
Fuel Total: $502.25
Eating Out
Eating out: $87.00
Quick lunches: $223.90
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $77.75
Eating Out Total: $388.65
Groceries: $646.53
Wine & Alcohol: $213.00
Groceries Total: $859.53
Free Camps and Donation: 8 Nights: NC
Low-Cost Campsites: 10 Nights: $139.20
Campgrounds over $20: 12 nights $290.00
Accomodation Total: $429.20
Tours & Attractions
Tourist attractions & tours: $403.00
Souvineers & gifts: $157.90
Tours & Attractions Total: $560.90
Hardware & Camping supplies: $46.50
Car & Van maintenance: $0.00
Gas bottle refills: $58.00
Airfares, car parking & ferry: $659.57
Miscellaneous: $61.95
Other Total: $826.02
Late August we flew home to visit family so early this month involved a flight from home back to our van in Townsville. This month also incurred a large expense with car parking at Townsville airport while we were gone. So, all other things taken into account, we really did well with our spendings this month.
We have found it much easier to find low cost camping in Queensland, and we have not travelled large distances, so our fuel costs are much lower this month.
Our overall weekly average of $856.32 is within budget. Something we did not expect with airfares and airport parking taken into account this month. We are very Happy Campers this month!
Well done Guys we stay within our budget most of the time!
The most important thing is take time to love and stop to smell the roses.
Definitely Roger, we certainly are doing just that! 😃