Monthly Expenses – 2 Months Post Covid

Total: $4119.02
(8 weeks = $514.87 per week)


KM Travelled: 6270km
Litres / 100Km: 16.76

Fuel Total: $1336.57

Eating Out

Eating out: $523.80
Quick lunches: $131.60
Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $74.90

Eating Out Total: $730.30


Groceries: $1043.70

Wine & Alcohol: $174.80

Groceries Total: $1218.50


Free Camps and Donation: $0.00 . 49x Nights 

Low-Cost Campsites: $16.00 . 1x Night. Campground over $20: $184.80 . 6x Nights

Accomodation Total: $200.80

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $161.00

Souvineers & gifts: $212.20

Tours & Attractions Total: $373.20


Hardware & Camping supplies: $67.47

Car & Van maintenance: $34.00

Gas bottle refills: $107.95

Miscellaneous: $49.74

Other Total: $259.16

We have hit the road again after Covid lockdown. Our home state is NSW, so our travel has been limited to traveling regional NSW.
We did expect our costs to be lower. We have slowed our travel down, staying longer in one place. Fuel costs at the pump have also been lower than ever before.
We always have preferred to free camp, and we are still doing that. You can’t reduce that cost. Lol.
We have enjoyed eating out more than we ever did before. When we were touring, our budget was consumed mainly with fuel and attractions costs. We ate out sometimes, but this time we have been eating out a few times a week.
We are excited that our weekly expenses are lower than expected, even after our increased eating out costs!
This “going slow” is great for the budget!


We usually track our expenses monthly.
With Coronavirus interrupting our travels, we had some time in lockdown.
This expenses blog is for 8 weeks post lockdown (including travel time only)
Future blogs will be monthly.