Monthly Expenses – July 2019

Total: $4321.88
Equates to $975.91 weekly
($869.63 overall weekly)


KM Travelled: 5397km

Litres / 100Km: 16.35 L/100km

Fuel Total: $1492.97

Eating Out

Eating out: $103.00

Quick lunches: $90.00

Coffee, snacks & ice creams: $51.00

Eating Out Total: $244.00


Groceries: $981.57

Wine & Alcohol: $246.78

Groceries Total: $1228.35


Free Camps and Donation: 7 Nights. $0.00

Low-Cost Campsites: 5 Nights. $70.00

Campgrounds over $20: 19 Nights. $655.20

Accomodation Total: $725.20

Tours & Attractions

Tourist attractions & tours: $374.00

Souvineers & gifts: $93.75

Tours & Attractions Total: $467.75


Hardware & Camping supplies: $79.79

Car & Van maintenance: $5.00

Gas bottle refills: $78.75

Miscellaneous: $0.00

Other Total: $163.74


July has been an eye opener!
We have come to the realisation that travelling Western Australia is expensive. The state is so huge, we have driven almost 5500km (our most Km’s ever in a month)
We have found it almost impossible to find campgrounds in our “Low Cost” bracket. We always stay unpowered, but even unpowered sites are often over $40 per night. The free camps are 24hour roadside stops. They are a great set up, often even providing a dump point, but they are between towns and too far to use as a base camp.
We have really enjoyed the Northern half of WA. We wouldn’t have done anything differently to reduce costs. We have realised it is what it is …….
We have turned around to visit NT and QLD in coming months. There are lots more low cost camping options in those states, so costs will reduce.
We will save our Southern WA adventures until summer and might find the cost factor is different down south with smaller driving distances between towns.
Our overall weekly amount of $869.63 is still within our target.